2012 m. spalio 29 d., pirmadienis

                                                           Psychology of success

So first of all, what is such a thing as success? Success is something that is different for all the people. For example- for one true success is  what you have left when you go to the grave,  or success is a hidden power placed in the human spirit, or it is prosperity in all things and be in good health. So as we see, success is a different thing, because people are different.
So, psychology of Success defines the fundamental psychology principles of success-principles applicable to everyone regardless of age, major, background or specialty. This psychology studies how to learn these things:
  • Transform yourself into someone who is successful and confident
  • Overcome fear and failure in every situation
  • Become self-disciplined in every area of life
  • Set and achieve your goals on a regular basis
  • Commit to having high standards for personal excellence
  • Unlock your inner genius and tap into your creative side
  • Separate yourself from values and beliefs that prevent you from achieving your goals
  • Develop unshakable courage, persistence and self-esteem.
As you can see, there is a lot of work to do if you want to learn how to be succeeded and be a lucky person. Also, it is believed, that people can make their own luck. But how it could happen? When I was looking for this answer, I’ve found that person is so powerful that he can persuade himself, sometime in negative or positive way. Many things that happen to us are because of our attitude. We can make a great start of each event with a positive attitude.
After all, it is said that in these days it is very difficult to be successful. I think because of different understanding of success. There are even types of success. For example:
  •   Material success. This is money, cars, holidays
  •  Emotional success. Such as relationship, self esteem
  •  Physical success. Health, fitness
  •  Intellectual success. Such as learning, understanding
So if one has disability to walk, but wants to be a running champion, so he probably will unhappy most of the time.
In conclusion I would like to say that success is a great thing, which motivates people to do something more than they thought they could. Moreover, success brings plenty benefits, which makes us more confident.

References: http://psychologyofsuccess.wordpress.com/