2012 m. gruodžio 5 d., trečiadienis


During my English language lessons I did a lot of activities. These were tests on ESP vocabulary definitions, Moodle tests, online exercises, listening exercises, short talks, Power Point Presentation and speaking impromptu in class. So, I would like to evaluate the benefit for me of these activities.

Tests on ESP vocabulary definitions. It was difficult for me, because there were a lot of definitions, which I didn‘t know in my native language. Also, almost each time I didn‘t have enough time for preparation, but despite this fact it was interesting for me anyway, because now I know many new words about psychology.

Moodle tests. I think that these tests were very useful, because I stored new words in my vocabulary, but also, there is a negative side, that those tests for me were boring, because of the required time.

Online exercises. These exercises were similar to Moodle tests, but it was interesting and wasn‘t so difficult. I think this is so, because the whole group was doing exercises. But nevertheless, sometimes it was difficult to find correct answers.

Listening exercises. I did a lot of listening exercises during my english lessons and I can say that sometimes it was very complicated, but sometimes effortless. In my opinion, it was good, because we educated our hearing and maybe in the future it will be easier to understand foreigners.

Short talks. It was probably the easiest activity for me. I was enjoying it, because I improved my english skills such as vocabulary and pronunciation. Also I learned new information about various things such as psychology of laughter or psychology of luck.

Power Point Presentation. This exercise required a lot of time, because I had to know everything about this theme which I have chosen. But despite this fact, I can say that these themes were were interesting, and useful, because I improved my speaking skills and I learned a lot of new facts about stress.

Impromptu in class. It was the most difficult activity for me, because I thought that my speaking skills are not so good and also sometimes I didn‘t have enough time to think what I want to say. Besides this, I can‘t overcome fear talking in front of audience.

All in all, I think that many activities of these were useful for my studies, and I could say that I have improved my english skills and knowledge now. I hope it will help for me during exam.